from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import * from tkinter import ttk import smbus import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from tkinter import messagebox from time import sleep # Open the bus bus = smbus.SMBus(1)            #Revision 2 #MCP23008 MCP23008address         =0x20   # MCP23008 Adress IC2 MCP23008RegisterIODIR   =0x00   # Register IODIR MCP23008  IO7 IO6 IO5 IO4 MCP23008RegisterIPOL    =0x01   # Register IPOL MCP23008  IP7 IP6 IP5 IP4 IP3 MCP23008RegisterGPINTEN =0x02   # Register GPINTEN MCP23008 GPINT7 MCP23008RegisterDEFVAL  =0x03   # Register DEFVAL MCP23008 DEF7 DEF6 MCP23008RegisterINTCON  =0x04   # Register INTCON MCP23008 IOC7 IOC6 MCP23008RegisterIOCON   =0x05   # Register IOCON MCP23008 — — SREAD MCP23008RegisterGPPU    =0x06   # Register GPPU MCP23008  PU7 PU6 PU5 MCP23008RegisterINTF    =0x07   # Register INTF MCP23008 INT7 INT6 INT5 MCP23008RegisterINTCAP  =0x08   # Register INTCAP MCP23008  ICP7 ICP6 MCP23008RegisterGPIO    =0x09   # Register GPIO MCP23008 GP7 GP6 GP5 MCP23008RegisterOLAT    =0x0A   # Register OLAT MCP23008  OL7 OL6 OL5 MCP24C02address         =0x50   #24C02 Control Register A0,A1,A2 =0 256*8bit MCP24C02AddressPointer  =0x00  #The internal Address Pointer will automatically window = Tk() # Set up the pins as output #Address pins are always enabled on MCP23008. MCP23S08 IOCON muss bit 3 HAEN 1 gesetzt werden. bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterIODIR, 0x00 )         #Setzt MCP23008 auf I/O Ausgang (Outout) bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, 0x00 )          #alle Relais aus 0x00 beim Starten #Operator Bezeichnung                         Beispiel #~x         Bitweises Not           Ausgabe=0x03 also b0000 0011 (Taste auf Tastertur AltGr +*) #                                               Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~0x01 (also b0000 0001) Ausgabe: 0x02 (b0000 0010) #|x         Binary OR                         Ausgabe=0x03 (Taste auf Tastertur AltGr <>) #                                               Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~0x04  Ausgabe: 0x07 # def Relais():     global Ausgabe     Ausgabe=0x00     if (CheckVar1.get()==0):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~0x01         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe ) # Relais1 Ausschalten     if (CheckVar1.get()==1):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe | 0x01         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe ) # Relais1    Einschalten     if (CheckVar2.get()==0):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~0x02         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar2.get()==1):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe | 0x02         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar3.get()==0):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~0x04         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar3.get()==1):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe | 0x04         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar4.get()==0):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~0x08         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar4.get()==1):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe | 0x08         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar5.get()==0):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~0x10         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar5.get()==1):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe | 0x10         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar6.get()==0):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~MCP23008address         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar6.get()==1):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe | MCP23008address         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar7.get()==0):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~0x40         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar7.get()==1):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe | 0x40         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe )     if (CheckVar8.get()==0):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe & ~0x80         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe ) # Relais 8 Ausschalten     if (CheckVar8.get()==1):         Ausgabe=Ausgabe | 0x80         bus.write_byte_data( MCP23008address, MCP23008RegisterGPIO, Ausgabe ) # Relais 8 Einschalten def MCP24C02Read():     MCP24C02TextLoeschen()     MCP24C02AddressPointer=0x00     for x in range(0,32): #256*8Bit   also 32 mal 8*8Bit   0xE0-0XFF dürfen nicht überschrieben werden der Rest ist frei verfügbar!         MCP24C02AddressPointer=x*8         ReceivedBytes=""         ReceivedBytes=str.format('0x{:02X}', int(str(hex(MCP24C02AddressPointer)), 16))+" "         bus.write_byte(MCP24C02address, MCP24C02AddressPointer )                    #Setze AddressPointer zum lesen schreiben in diesem Fall zum lesen         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+str.format('0x{:02X}', int(str(hex(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))), 16))+" "         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+str.format('0x{:02X}', int(str(hex(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))), 16))+" "         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+str.format('0x{:02X}', int(str(hex(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))), 16))+" "         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+str.format('0x{:02X}', int(str(hex(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))), 16))+" "         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+str.format('0x{:02X}', int(str(hex(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))), 16))+" "         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+str.format('0x{:02X}', int(str(hex(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))), 16))+" "         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+str.format('0x{:02X}', int(str(hex(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))), 16))+" "         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+str.format('0x{:02X}', int(str(hex(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))), 16))+" "         bus.write_byte(MCP24C02address, MCP24C02AddressPointer )         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+"|"+chr(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+chr(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+chr(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+chr(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+chr(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+chr(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+chr(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))         ReceivedBytes=ReceivedBytes+chr(bus.read_byte(MCP24C02address))+"|"         T.insert(END,ReceivedBytes)         T.insert(END,"\n")         test=" " def MCP24C02TextLoeschen():     T.delete(1.0,END) #chr() Converts an integer to a character #ord() Converts a character to an integer #len() Returns the length of a string #str() Returns a string representation of an object def MCP24C02Write():     if len(entry_widget.get()) <= 0:         messagebox.showinfo("Write","No Data!")     else:         if combo.get() == "0x00":             messagebox.showinfo("Write", str(entry_widget.get()))             MCP24C02AddressPointer=0x00             Daten=str(entry_widget.get())             for x in range(0,len(entry_widget.get())):                 sleep(0.01)                 bus.write_byte_data(MCP24C02address, MCP24C02AddressPointer,ord(Daten[x]))                 MCP24C02AddressPointer=MCP24C02AddressPointer+1                 MCP24C02TextLoeschen()                 sleep(0.01)                                                                 #Muss noch durch Abfrage ersetzt werden                 MCP24C02Read()         if combo.get() == "0x08":             messagebox.showinfo("Write", str(entry_widget.get()))             MCP24C02AddressPointer=0x08             Daten=str(entry_widget.get())             for x in range(0,len(entry_widget.get())):                 sleep(0.01)                 bus.write_byte_data(MCP24C02address, MCP24C02AddressPointer,ord(Daten[x]))                 MCP24C02AddressPointer=MCP24C02AddressPointer+1                 MCP24C02TextLoeschen()                 sleep(0.01)                 MCP24C02Read()         if combo.get() == "0x10":             messagebox.showinfo("Write", str(entry_widget.get()))             MCP24C02AddressPointer=0x10             Daten=str(entry_widget.get())             for x in range(0,len(entry_widget.get())):                 sleep(0.01)                 bus.write_byte_data(MCP24C02address, MCP24C02AddressPointer,ord(Daten[x]))                 MCP24C02AddressPointer=MCP24C02AddressPointer+1                 MCP24C02TextLoeschen()                 sleep(0.01)                 MCP24C02Read()         if combo.get() == "0x18":             messagebox.showinfo("Write", str(entry_widget.get()))             MCP24C02AddressPointer=0x18             Daten=str(entry_widget.get())             for x in range(0,len(entry_widget.get())):                 sleep(0.01)                 bus.write_byte_data(MCP24C02address, MCP24C02AddressPointer,ord(Daten[x]))                 MCP24C02AddressPointer=MCP24C02AddressPointer+1                 MCP24C02TextLoeschen()                 sleep(0.01)                 MCP24C02Read()         if combo.get() == "0x20":             messagebox.showinfo("Write", str(entry_widget.get()))             MCP24C02AddressPointer=0x20             Daten=str(entry_widget.get())             for x in range(0,len(entry_widget.get())):                 sleep(0.01)                 bus.write_byte_data(MCP24C02address, MCP24C02AddressPointer,ord(Daten[x]))                 MCP24C02AddressPointer=MCP24C02AddressPointer+1                 MCP24C02TextLoeschen()                 sleep(0.01)                 MCP24C02Read()         if combo.get() == "0xD8":             messagebox.showinfo("Write", str(entry_widget.get()))             MCP24C02AddressPointer=0xD8             Daten=str(entry_widget.get())             for x in range(0,len(entry_widget.get())):                 sleep(0.01)                 bus.write_byte_data(MCP24C02address, MCP24C02AddressPointer,ord(Daten[x]))                 MCP24C02AddressPointer=MCP24C02AddressPointer+1                 MCP24C02TextLoeschen()                 sleep(0.01)                 MCP24C02Read() def character_limit(entry_text):     if len(entry_text.get()) > 8:         entry_text.set(entry_text.get()[:-1]) # Fenster Breite, Höhe w = 1000                                                # Breite  Tk window h = 650                                                 # Höhe  Tk window # Lese Bildschirm Auflösung ws = window.winfo_screenwidth()                    # Breite Auflösung vom Bildschirm hs = window.winfo_screenheight()                       # Höhe # Berechnung der Mitte x = (ws/2) - (w/2) y = (hs/2) - (h/2) window.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y))          # Setze Fenster in Mitte window.resizable(0,0)                                  # Fenster ist in der Groesse nicht veraenderbar window.title("MCP23008 & 24C02") tab_control = ttk.Notebook(window) tab1 = ttk.Frame(tab_control) tab2 = ttk.Frame(tab_control) tab_control.add(tab1, text='MCP23008') tab_control.add(tab2, text='24C02') tab_control.pack(expand=1, fill='both') #Checkbox 8 Stück mit pack ins Fenster zeichen mit place die Position CheckVar1 = IntVar() C1 = Checkbutton(tab1, text = "Relais 1", variable = CheckVar1,command=Relais) C1.pack(), y=50)                                                #von oben links CheckVar2 = IntVar() C2 = Checkbutton(tab1, text = "Relais 2", variable = CheckVar2,command=Relais) C2.pack(), y=75) CheckVar3 = IntVar() C3 = Checkbutton(tab1, text = "Relais 3", variable = CheckVar3,command=Relais) C3.pack(), y=100) CheckVar4 = IntVar() C4 = Checkbutton(tab1, text = "Relais 4", variable = CheckVar4,command=Relais) C4.pack(), y=125) CheckVar5 = IntVar() C5 = Checkbutton(tab1, text = "Relais 5", variable = CheckVar5,command=Relais) C5.pack(), y=150) CheckVar6 = IntVar() C6 = Checkbutton(tab1, text = "Relais 6", variable = CheckVar6,command=Relais) C6.pack(), y=175) CheckVar7 = IntVar() C7 = Checkbutton(tab1, text = "Relais 7", variable = CheckVar7,command=Relais) C7.pack(), y=200) CheckVar8 = IntVar() C8 = Checkbutton(tab1, text = "Relais 8", variable = CheckVar8,command=Relais) C8.pack(), y=225) combo = Combobox(tab2, state='readonly') combo['values']= ("0x00","0x08","0x10","0x18","0x20","0xD8") combo.current(0)                                    #set the selected item, y=50) T = Text(tab2, height=32, width=56)                  #für EEprom 256 x 8 32*8byte T.pack(), y=20) buttonTextMCP24C02Clear = Button(tab2, text='TextBox Inhalt Löschen', width=25, command=MCP24C02TextLoeschen) buttonTextMCP24C02Clear.pack(), y=75) buttonTextMCP24C02Read = Button(tab2, text='24C02 Lesen 0x00-0xFF', width=25, command=MCP24C02Read) buttonTextMCP24C02Read.pack(), y=125) buttonTextMCP24C02Write = Button(tab2, text='24C02 Schreiben', width=25, command=MCP24C02Write) buttonTextMCP24C02Write.pack(), y=175) entry_text = StringVar() # the text in  your entry entry_widget = Entry(tab2, width = 20, textvariable = entry_text) # the entry entry_widget.pack(), y=225) entry_text.trace("w", lambda *args: character_limit(entry_text)) #0xe0 2 fa-55 UniPi identification #0xe2 2 1.1 UniPi version #0xf0 4 0x40b089c5 (5.516818) AI1 coefficient #0xf4 4 0x40b08b44 (5.517) AI2 coefficient w = Label(tab2, text="0xe0  2 Bytes UniPi identification") w.pack(), y=300) w1 = Label(tab2, text="0xe2  2 Bytes UniPi version") w1.pack(), y=320) w2 = Label(tab2, text="0xf0  4 Bytes AI1 coefficient") w2.pack(), y=340) w3 = Label(tab2, text="0xf4  4 Bytes  AI2 coefficient") w3.pack(), y=360) w4 = Label(tab2, text="Daten max.8 Zeichen") w4.pack(), y=205) w5 = Label(tab2, text="AddressPointer") w5.pack(), y=30) buttonschliessen = Button(window, text='Fenster Schliessen', width=25, command=window.destroy) buttonschliessen.pack(), y=620) window.mainloop()